Case # 15-730
Ronald & Cynthia Wood - property owners
Eric A Geen - unlicensed contractor
1319 Catherine Street
Sec. 14-256 Required
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 18-150 Certificate of competency required - Mr. Geen
Sec. 102-152 Requirements for permits
Officer Jim Young
Certified Service: 12-14-2015
Initial Hearing: 1/27/2016
New Case - Settlement Agreement - unlicensed contractor
Request case be dismissed against the property owner
Count 1: For failure to obtain an electrical permit. Count 2: For failure to obtain building permits for for the interior renovations, roofing and new fence. Count 3: For acting as a contractor without a certificate of competency. Count 4: For failure to obtain a certificate of appropriateness for the roofing and new fence.