Case # 21-1808
Rent Key West Vacations Inc.
Paul N Hayes- Registered Agent
Michael A. Mele- Property Owner
504 Catherine Street
Sec. 18-601 License required- Irreparable
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations- Irreparable
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations D(9)- Irreparable
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 11-22-2021- Rent Key West Vacations Inc.
Certified Mail: Michael A. Mele
Initial Hearing: 12-16-2021
In compliance as of 24 February 2022; Request dismissal
Count 1-5: Unlawful to lease a residential property for a period of less than thirty days or one calendar month without having obtained a business tax receipt.- Irreparable
Count 6-8: Failure to obtain the required city, county or state license for holding out/ advertising a short-term rental at this property.- Irreparable
Count 9-13: Unlawfully holding out this short-term rental for five nights.- Irreparable