Case # 20-31
Florida Limited Liability Company
530 William Street LLC
F&L Corp- Registered Agent
719 Fleming Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts
Sec. 122-600 Dimensional requirements
Sec. 14-256 Permit required
Sec. 14-262 Request for inspection
Sec. 14-359 Permit display
Sec. 14-326 Plans and specifications
Sec. 14-327 Inspection
Officer Igor Timus
Certified Mail: 10-25-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 21 March 2022; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a building permit with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 2: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of appropriateness with the City of Key West HARC Department.
Count 3: Failure to apply and obtain a variance with the City of Key West Planning Department.
Count 4: Failure to apply and obtain building permits with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 5: Failure to contact the City of Key West Building Department and schedule an electrical inspection.
Count 6: Failure to apply and obtain plumbing permits with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 7: Failure to apply and obtain building permits with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 8: Failure to contact the City of Key West Building Department and schedule a mechanical inspection.