Case # 13-222
Cityview Trolley Tours of Key West, Inc.
c/o Gregory Wythe, R/A
Mallory Square
Sec. 18-414 Prohibited in certain locations
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 2-20-2013
Initial Hearing: 2-27-2013
Repeat/Irreparable Violation
Continued from March 27, 2013 - Settlement Agreement
Count 1: On February 11, 2013 at approximately 12:30 pm, a female employee (Darlene Gilkison) of Cityview Trolley approached a couple who were exiting the cruise ship Ryndam to ask of they had trolley tickets. When the couple replied no, the employee then handed them a Cityview map and began a transaction where tickets were exchanged and they were direct to other Cityview staff who then sold them tickets.