Case # 15-1437
Debra Flynn
3405 Flagler Avenue
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions - Counts 1 - 4
Sec. 14-262 Request for inspection - Counts 5 - 6
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required - Counts 7 - 11
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business - Count 12
Sec. 122-237 Prohibited uses - Count 13
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 11-2-2015
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2015
In compliance December 11, 2015, request dismissal
Count 1: For failure to obtain a building permit to build a wall between the living room and kitchen. Count 2: For failure to obtain a building permit for the wood deck in the rear of the property. Count 3: For failure to obtain a building permit for the PVC and electrical lines for a Jacuzzi which was installed and placed on the wood deck. Count 4: For failure to obtain a permit to install a window A/C (including electric lines from the house) in the tin shed on the south side of the home. Count 5: For failure to obtain a plumbing inspection. Count 6: For failure to obtain an electrical inspection. Count 7 through 11: For failure to obtain a certificate of occupancy for each of the five separate living units. Count 12: For failure to obtain a business tax receipt to rent for four extra units. Count 13: Current renovations and use of the subject property is a prohibited use as defined by the zoning regulations for single family zone.