Case # 16-265
Key West Yoga Sanctuary LLC - In compliance
Ronald A Barker, registered agent
The Green Pineapple LLC - In compliance
Deborah Lippi, registered agent
Date & Thyme LLC
Charlotte Wilson, registered agent
1130 Duval Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions - In compliance
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts - In compliance
Sec. 2-939 Licenses
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holdings themselves out to be engaged in business - Date & Thyme LLC only
Officer Beau Langford
Certified Service: 5-11-2016 - Key West Yoga
Certified Service: 5-11-2016 - The Green Pineapple
Certified Service: 5-10-2016 - Date & Thyme
Initial Hearing: 6-29-2016
In compliance August 30, 2016, request dismissal
Count 1: For failure to obtain building permits for the signs hanging from the awning for the three businesses. Count 2: For failure to obtain a certificate of appropriateness for the signs hanging from the awning for the three businesses. Count 3: For failure to obtain a revocable license for the signs hanging from the awning for the three businesses. Count 4: For failure to transfer the business tax receipt to 1130 Duval Street - Date & Thyme only.