Case # 15-1442
Thirsty's Paradise Ventures, LLC
William B Spottswood, Jr., Registered Agent
Historic Tours of America, Inc.
Edwin O Swift III, Registered Agent
531 Greene Street
Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs
Sec. 106-51 Prohibited
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 1-4-2016
Initial Hearing: 1-27-2016
In compliance January 20, 2016, request dismissal
Count 1: There are 22 prohibited signs at this location. Count 2: Exterior displays are prohibited unless an exception is granted by the planning board. Count 3: A certificate of appropriateness is required for the awning and the hanging sign prior to the installation. Count 4: A building permit is required for the awning and the hanging sign prior to the installation.