| 1 | 1 | | Proclamation | Transit Worker Appreciation Week | Received and Filed | |
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| 1 | 2 | | Proclamation | Mohawk Day | Received and Filed | |
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| 1 | 3 | | Proclamation | Women's History Month | Received and Filed | |
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| 1 | 4 | | Proclamation | 70th Anniversary of the Glass Bottom Boat | | |
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Min 23-1146
| 1 | 5 | | Minutes | *February 7, 2023 (Regular) | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
Min 23-1154
| 1 | 6 | | Minutes | *February 15, 2023 (Special) | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 7 | Name Boqueron Puerto Rico a Sister City | Resolution | *Authorizing City staff to apply to establish Boqueron, Puerto Rico as a Sister City to the City of Key West. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 8 | Noise Exemption for the Oldest House Wedding & Reception | Resolution | *Granting a Special Event Permit to Scott Gerke and Samantha Plencher's wedding at the Oldest House 322 Duval Street; Pursuant to Section 6-86 of the Code of Ordinances from 6:30 P.M. to Midnight on Saturday, April 7, 2023. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 9 | Key West Art & Historical Society, Inc. Papio Kinetic Sculpture parade | Resolution | *Authorizing the Key West Art & Historical Society, Inc. to conduct the Papio Kinetic Parade at the Customs House 281 Front Street on Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M; Pursuant to terms and conditions set forth by the City Manager. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 10 | Key West Police Athletic League Mango Fest 2023 | Resolution | *Authorizing Key West Police Athletic League, Inc. to conduct a Mango Fest at Bayview Park on Saturday, June 24, 2023 from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M; Pursuant to terms and conditions set forth by the City Manager; Authorizing the sale and consumption of alcohol beverages within the enclosed area. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 11 | | Resolution | *Amending the contract for Environmental Engineering Services with E Sciences, Incorporated by amending the contract to reflect a name change to Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 12 | Purchase of 10 Motorola Radios for Emergency Management | Resolution | *Approving the purchase of 10 new handheld Motorola radios and related accessories from Motorola Solutions, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $62,631.40, as described in the attached price quote, as a sole source provider, pursuant to City Code 2-797(1)(b) in accordance with City Code Section 2-844 for brand name purchases for the Key West Emergency Operations Center; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 13 | Mote Marine Coral Restoration | Resolution | *Approving the attached "Consulting Agreement" between the City and Mote Marine Laboratory, Inc., A 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, for the purpose of restoring and maintaining coral reefs adjacent to Key West; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers and adjustments. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 14 | Dugan Settlement | Resolution | *Approving the proposed Settlement Agreement between the City of Key West and Valerie I. Dugan in Circuit Court Case Number 2021-CA-534-K in the amount of $71,822.00; Authorizing the City Manager to execute all settlement documents upon the advice and consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 15 | 3rd amendment to Task Order with Tidal Basin for Emergency Management Consulting related to Hurricane Ian | Resolution | *Approving the attached "Third Amendment to Task Order No. 2022-03-TBGC-PA" in the amount of up to $75,000.00 (bringing Task Order cost to $175,000.00), to Tidal Basin Government Consulting, LLC (Tidal Basin) for additional Emergency Management Consulting Services related to Hurricane Ian; Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute necessary documents, upon advice and consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 16 | 2023 Safe Boat change order | Resolution | *Approving a Change Order in the amount of $35,011.84 to the procurement of repairs for Customs and Border Protection (CPB) to refurbish the Key West Police Department's 27-foot SAFE boat approved in Resolution 22-145; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 17 | Award ITB 23-003 United St Improvements | Resolution | *Awarding the bid of Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc.(CTS) received in response to Invitation to Bid (ITB) #23-003 for United Street Improvements (Project II41022302 -Paving/II41022301 - ADA Sidewalks) in a total amount not to exceed $4,860,063.92; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments and amendments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract in substantial conformance with the bid documents, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 18 | | Resolution | *Renewing for two years the Environmental Engineering Services Contracts with four (4) vendors, originally awarded in Resolution 20-039 in response to RFQ 20-002 for City of Key West Environmental Engineering Services; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 19 | Reject Bids - CCTV Equipment | Resolution | *Rejecting all bids received in response to Invitation to Bid (ITB) #23-001, for CCTV Equipment Purchase - City Marina at Garrison Bight, pursuant to Section 2-834(4) of the Code of Ordinances. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 20 | | Resolution | *Approving a Task Order under the City’s General Utilities and Infrastructure Contract with Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $160,598.80 for the milling, paving and curbing of the Indigenous Park Parking Lot; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments; Authorizing City Manager or designee to execute documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 21 | Eaton Pavement Marking WO #5 | Resolution | *Approving a Work Order (5) under the City's Pavement Markings, Striping & Roadway Signage Contract with Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. (CTS) in a total amount not to exceed $118,178.15 for pavement marking inclusive of all ROW and permitting fees for streets referenced in the attached Work Order (Eaton Street between White and Simonton); Authorizing budget adjustments if necessary; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 22 | | Resolution | Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Easement - 1500 Vernon Avenue - A request for an Easement Agreement for three encroachments consisting of approximately 237.81 square-feet, more or less, in order to maintain one (1) concrete wall, one (1) concrete slab, and one (1) awning on City-owned property located within the Historic Commercial Tourist (HCT) zoning district at 1500 Vernon Avenue, Key West, Florida (RE#00037410-000200), pursuant to Section 2-938(b)(3) of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; providing fees and conditions. | Postponed | |
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Not available
| 1 | 23 | | Resolution | Selecting Ronald Ramsingh for the position of City Attorney; Directing staff to negotiate a contract for approval by the City Commission. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | 24 | Approve CA Childress Employment Agreement
Approve CA Childress Employment Agreement | Resolution | Approving the attached Employment Agreement between the City of Key West and Albert P. Childress for the position of City Manager | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | 25 | Urge FLDOE to reverse rejection of AP African American Studies course | Resolution | Urging the Florida Department of Education to reverse its rejection of an Advanced Placement course covering African American Studies in state high schools; Opposing the Department of Education's position that the Advanced Placement course covering African American Studies will indoctrinate students to a political agenda, and supporting the need for Advanced Placement courses on African American Studies; Authorizing the City Clerk to transmit a certified copy of the Resolution to the Florida Department of Education and Governor Ron DeSantis. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | 26 | Direct CA to commence legal action Marker parking | Resolution | Directing the City Attorney to commence legal action related to enforcement of the Parking Agreement benefiting the Marker Resort. | Postponed | Pass |
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| 1 | 27 | | Resolution | Urging the Florida Legislature to defeat HB807 and SB1700, which would provide reciprocity to allow any person with a license or permit to operate a vehicle for hire from any county or municipality to operate a vehicle for hire in any other county or municipality without being subject to additional licensing or permitting requirements; Directing the City Clerk to provide this resolution to certain members of the Florida Legislature. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | 28 | | Resolution | Authorizing an Amendment to Task Order (CGA Proposal No. 19-3329) between the City and Calvin Giordano & Associates (CGA) for Key West Wickers Sports Complex Transportation Improvements and Design Services in the amount of $221,4425.00 (bringing Task Order to $371,635.00); Authorizing any necessary budget amendments and adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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| 1 | 29 | | Resolution | Approving the attached "HAWK Missile Site/Higgs Beach Interlocal Agreement" with regard to the use and ownership of open space known as the HAWK Missile Site | Passed | Pass |
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| 6 | 30 | FLUM amendment for 318-324 Petronica Street (802-806 Whitehead Street), 809 & 811 Terry Lane | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the City's Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 1, entitled "Future Land Use Element", to amend the Future Land Use Map boundaries of the Historic Residential (HR) and Historic Commercial (HC) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for the repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 7 | 31 | Official Zoning Map Amendment - 318-324 Petronia Street | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the boundaries of the Official Zoning Map, amending boundaries of the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) and Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-3) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for concurrent and conditional adoption upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan amendments; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | 32 | Sec 78-64 PVH License cap removed | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 78 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Vehicles for Hire" by amending Section 78-64, to amend the number of independent passenger vehicle for hire licenses that the City may issue; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | 33 | Ord 78-92 amend certain requirements for PVH applicants | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 78 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled “Vehicles for Hire” by amending Section 78-92 to adjust certain requirements that a passenger vehicle for hire (PVH) driver permit applicant must provide prior to issuance of a permit by the City; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | 34 | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Environment", Article II entitled "Nuisances", by adding Section 6 titled "Outdoor Lighting" by adding Section 26-132 titled "Definitions" by adding Section 26-133 titled "Applicability", by adding Section 26-134 titled "Prohibition", by adding Section 26-135 titled "Exemptions", by adding Section 26-136 titled "Penalties"; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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