| 1 | 1 | | Code Violations | Case # 11-1541
James & Judith Wert
1424 Petronia Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of Occupancy required
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Service: 4-13-2012
Initial Hearing: 4-25-2012
Continued from November 14, 2012 for compliance - In compliance
Count 1: A business tax receipt for all units is required to rent the property. Count 2: A solid waste account is required for all units. Count 3: A building permit is required to build a third unit. Count 4: A certificate of occupancy is required prior to renting the third unit. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-222
Peter Anderson
1205 11th Street
Sec. 66-102 Dates due and delinquent; penalties
Sec. 58-72 Responsibility of owner and tenant for payment
Sec. 74-206 Owners responsibility for payment
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Service: 8-6-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property is delinquent. Count 2: The solid waste account is past due. Count 3: The sewer account is past due. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-338
James & Holly Cooney
415 United Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Service: 4-7-2012
Initial Hearing: 4-25-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent the two units on the property. Count 2: A solid waste account is required for both units. Count 3: A certificate of occupancy is required for the second unit. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 4 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-344
Dan & Joanna Schoneck
3675 Seaside Drive 439
Sec. 66-102 Dates due and delinquent; penalties
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Posted: 8-30-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for compliance
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property is delinquent | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 5 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-514
Brook W Gassner
1012 Catherine Street
Sec. 66-102 Dates due and delinquent; penalties
Officer Bonnita Bagdett
Posted: 9-12-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property is delinquent | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 6 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-586
Michael Coppola
1109 Fleming Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 58-63 Delinquency
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Service: 7-30-2012
Initial Hearing: 8-22-2012
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property.
Count 2: The sewer/solid waste accounts are delinquent. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 7 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-836
SHS Investment of South Florida Inc.
Si Stern
Robert M Weinberger, Registered Agent
820 White Street
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Service: 8-31-2012 - Owner
9-13-2012 - Registered Agent
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance June 14, 2014, request dismissal
Count 1: Placed low voltage cameras outside without HARC approval. In compliance. Count 2: A business tax receipt is required for all 32 rooms. Only licensed for 19 guestrooms and 1 transient rental. Count 3: A certificate of occupancy is required for the extra12 rooms. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 8 | | Code Violations | Case # 11-1286
Faye G Logun
2310 Patterson Avenue
Sec. 122-1078 Restrictions on buildings and structures, including entryways, Counts 1-5
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits, Count 6
Sec. 90-356 Building permits required, Count 7
Sec. 90-391 Variances, Counts 8 and 9
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 8-3-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from March 27, 2013 for compliance
Counts 1-5: Subject property has five rooms held out for rent (3 occupied at the time of inspection) without proper ingress/egress. Count 6: The main house was altered/renovated to add the above five subject rooms without the benefit of a building permit(s). Count 7: Two additional rooms were added to the original home in 2005 without the benefit of a building permit. Counts 8 and 9: For extending the main house to add the subject rooms identified in count one through five on the side setback of the property. For adding an outdoor shared bathroom facility on the rear setback of the property. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 9 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-569
Clifford C Cutler
726 Olivia Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Peg Corbett
Posted: 7-25-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for compliance
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 10 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-762
709 Windsor Lane LLC
c/o Peter Nelson Brawn
Vacation Homes of Key West
c/o Cindy Rhoades
B, B & B-B Registries, LLC/ R/A
709 Windsor Ln Rear, D & E
Sec. 18-601 License Required
Sec. 122-1371 Transient Living Accommodations in Residential Dwellings; Regulations - Counts 2 through 8
Sec. 122-629 Prohibited uses (HHDR)
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 6-27-2012 Peter Brawn
Certified Service: 6-29-2012 Cindy Rhoades
Initial Hearing: 8-22-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for Settlement Agreement
Irreparable violation
Count 1: The captioned property was held out/or advertised as being available transiently on May 19, 2012 through May 26, 2012. Counts 2 through 8: The respondent(s) held out the property in question as being available for rent transiently contrary to 122-1371(d)(9) on May 19, 2012 through Mary 26, 2012. Count 9: The captioned property is located in the Historic High Density Residential (HHDR) district which prohibits transient rentals. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 11 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-789
Barracuda Scooter dba KW Wheels
Henry Dean
1800 N Roosevelt Blvd
Sec. 66-102 Dates due and delinquent; penalties. Counts 1 through 3
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 8-11-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: The business tax receipt for bicycle rentals is delinquent. Count 2: The business tax receipt for ticket sales is delinquent. Count 3: The business tax receipt for retail sales as accessory to rental activity is delinquent. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 12 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1052
Delice St Martin
1213 14th Street Lot 61
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits
Sec. 102-158 Stop work order and penalty
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 8-29-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continuance granted to October 17, 2012
Irreparable violation
Count 1: Restored/repaired a screened addition without benefit of a building permit. Count 2: Work was continued after the stop work order was posted. The stop work order was removed without permission. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 13 | | Code Violations | Case # 11-1444
Bird Construction LLC
Deborah & Richard Bird
730 Southard Trust
c/o Vincent F Barletta, Trustee
730 Southard Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits professional plans; display of permits
Sec. 14-40 Permits in the Historic District
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 12-23-2011
Initial Hearing: 1-25-2012
Irreparable Violation
Continued from June 12, 2012 for ruling
Count 1: The chimney at this location was demolished without a demolition permit. Count 2: The chimney at this location was demolished without HARC approval. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 14 | | Code Violations | Case # 11-1548
Tamara Redhead
1101 Simonton Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 3-14-2012
Initial Hearing: 3-28-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for compliance
Count 1: A complaint was received on December 27, 2011 that the shed was converted into living space without a permit. Count 2: A complaint was received on December 27, 2011 that the shed was converted into living space without HARC approval. Count 3: A Certificate of Occupancy was not issued to use the shed as a living unit. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 15 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-671
Cynthia A Grissom
1401 Sunset Drive
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 5-5-2012
Initial Hearing: 5-23-2012
Continued from January 30, 2013 for compliance
Repeat Violation
Count 1: Repeat violation of having two units when the City only recognizes one unit. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 16 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-689
Charles & Jacqueline Hewett
Vacation Homes of Key West
c/o Cindy Rhoades
1006 Packer Street
Sec. 18-601 Transient License
Sec. 122-1371 Transient Living Accommodations in Residential Dwellings; Regulations - Counts 2 through 8
Sec. 122-599 Prohibited uses
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 7-6-2012
Initial Hearing: 8-22-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for Settlement Agreement
Irreparable violation
Count 1: The captioned property was held out and/or advertised as being available transiently on June 4, 2012 through June 11, 2012. Counts 2 through 8: The respondent held out the property in question as being available for rent transiently contrary to 122-1371(d)(9) on June 4, 2012 through June 11, 2012. Count 9: The captioned property is located in the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) district which prohibits transient rentals. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 17 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-846
Crowne Plaza La Concha
430 Duval Street
Sec. 26-31 Offensive and nuisance conditions prohibited
Sec. 14-74 Nuisances
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 8-20-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from September 26, 2012 for compliance
Count 1: Offensive and nuisance conditions exist on and around the dumpsters since June 9, 2012. Count 2: The drain located in the dumpster enclosure was clogged and needed repair. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 18 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-851
Vladimir Prokhodnoy
2301 Linda Avenue
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 90-356 Building permits required
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 8-8-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from February 27, 2013 for status
Count 1: A certificate of occupancy is required for the two extra units. Count 2: A solid waste account is required for all units on the property. Count 3: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property. Count 4: A building permit is required for all renovations that have been done. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 19 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-857
Big Dave's Pets
David Bradford
2756 N Roosevelt Blvd
Sec. 58-68 Commercial Waste Account
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 8-6-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: All commercial businesses must have a commercial solid waste account. Count 2: A business tax receipt is required the for the location of Big Dave's pets. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 20 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-878
Scott R Zurbrigen
Sean P Seckel T/C
1123 Petronia Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Hand Served: 9-7-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent this property. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 21 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-950
Angela Petronia LLC
Charles Krumel
610 Angela Street
Sec. 18-601 License required
Sec. 122-1371 Transient Living Accommodations in Residential Dwellings; Regulations
Sec. 122-629 Prohibited uses
Office Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 7-31-2012
Initial Hearing: 8-22-2012
Continued from August 22, 2012
Irreparable violation
Count 1: The subject property was rented transiently from July 1, 2012 through July 6, 2012 without a transient business tax receipt. Counts 2 through 7: The respondent held out the property in question as being available for rent transiently contrary on July 1, 2012 through July 6, 2012. Count 8: Transiently rental are prohibited in the Historic High Density Residential (HHDR) district. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 22 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1020
Danielle K Kehoe
Andrew J Mendez
1006 17th Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits
Officer Leonardo Hernandez
Certified Service: 8-31-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from October 17, 2012 for compliance
In compliance - fines and fees still due
Count 1: A building permit is required prior to the commencement of work. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 23 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1078
Peter N Brawn
1413 South Street & 1314 Seminary Street
Sec. 62-2 Obstructions
Sec. 62-31 Maintenance of area between property line and adjacent paved roadway
Officer Bernice Hill
Certified Service: 9-10-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
New case
Counts 1 and 2: These properties have landscaping that is overgrown and is blocking the City's right-of-way. Counts 3 and 4: These properties have landscaping that is overgrown and is blocking the City's right-of-way. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 24 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1092
Tim Gallagher
2904 Harris Avenue
Sec. 26-126 Clearing of property of debris and noxious material required
Sec. 62-2 Obstructions
Officer Bernice Hill
Certified Service:
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: The lot is overgrown, and furniture is scattered within the property. Count 2: Furniture and palm trees are blocking the city right of way | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 25 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1118
Raymond Mortimer Estate
c/o Antonio Osborn
419 Simonton Street
Sec. 66-103 Transfer of License
Officer Bernice Hill
Certified Service:
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Request dismissal for redraft
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property needs to be transferred to the current owner. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 26 | | Code Violations | Case # 11-633
Arturo Cobo
Elsa Degraffenreid R/S
1517 Dennis Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits
Sec. 14-256 Required
Sec. 14-262 Request for inspection
Sec. 14-325 Permits required
Sec. 14-358 Amendments to Florida Plumbing Code
Sec. 14-327 Inspection
Sec. 14-362 Connection to public sewer
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy - required
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 5-22-2012
Initial Hearing: 6-12-2012
Continued from August 22, 2012
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent the five dwelling units. Count 2: A building permit is required prior to subdividing the building into five dwelling units. Count 3: An electrical permit is required prior to doing any electrical work. Count 4: An electrical inspection is required. Count 5: A mechanical permit is required prior to doing any mechanical work. Count 6: A plumbing inspection is required prior to doing any plumbing work. Count 7: A mechanical inspection is r | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 27 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-453
Patrick Ritter
Samantha O'Farrell
1707 Leon Street
Sec. 66-102 Date due and delinquent; penalties
Sec. 74-206 Owner's responsibility for payment
Sec. 58-63 Delinquency
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 8-13-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
New Case
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property is delinquent Count 2: Property owner is responsible for delinquent sewer account Count 3: Property owner is responsible for delinquent solid waste account | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 28 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-535
Canvass Creations
Steven Ness - Contractor
Kathryn McKee Ness
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans, display of permits
Sec. 14-40 Permits in the historic district
Sec. 18-146 License required
Carter N Norris, Rev. Tr. 1/27/2009 - Property owner
508 William Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans, display of permits
Sec. 14-40 Permits in the historic district
Sec. 18-117 Acts declared unlawful
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 8-31-2012
Certified Service: 9-5-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
New Case
Count 1: A building permit is required prior to the installation of an awning - owner of Canvass Creations and property owner. Count 2: HARC approval is required prior to the installation of an awning -owner of Canvass Creations and property owner. Count 3: A license is required for installation of an awning - owner of Canvass Creations. Count 4: Aiding and abetting an unlicensed contractor - property owner | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 29 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-904
Sean Seckel
Scott Zurbrigen
1224 Florida Street
Sec. 18-601 License required
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations Counts 2 through 9
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 122-599 Prohibited uses
Sec. 58-63 Delinquency
Sec. 74-206 Owner's responsibility for payment
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans, display of permits
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district
Officer Barbara Meizis
Hand Served:
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from October 17, 2012 for a Settlement Agreement
Repeat/Irreparable Violation
Count 1: A transient rental license is required to rent your property transiently. Counts 2 through 9: The property owners held out the property as being available for rent transiently contrary to Sec. 122-1371 on June 20, 2012 through June 27, 2012. Count 10: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property. Count 11: Transient rentals are prohibited in the Historic Medium Density Residential district (HMDR). Count 1 | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 30 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-982
Timothy O Greene
726 Southard Street
Sec. 66-102 Dates due and delinquent; penalties
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 8-31-2012
Initial hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: The business tax receipt to rent this property is delinquent. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 31 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1014
Timothy O Greene
1311 Villa Mill Alley
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 8-31-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
In compliance, request dismissal
Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 32 | | Code Violations | Case # 12-1239
Island Cigar & Tobacoria
Alon Croitoru
Carol Croitoru
135 Duval Company - Property Owner
c/o Peter Nelson Brawn
Charles Ittah, Registered Agent
Sec. 106-51 Prohibited - Counts 1 through 3 - Repeat
Sec. 42-6 Tattoo establishments; temporary tattoos
Officer Barbara Meizis
Certified Service: 9-13-2012
Initial Hearing: 9-26-2012
Continued from October 17, 2012 for Settlement Agreement
Repeat Violation
Counts 1 through 3: On September 1, 2012, September 2, 2012 and September September 5, 2012, a "boat" filled with cigars; a ' tall cigar "man" display and another display with cigars in it were located on the exterior of the building. The two doors which open out to Greene Street had a sign board on one with temporary henna tattoos and the other door had cigar boxes attached to it. This business does not currently have an exception to the outdoor display ordinance. Count 4: On September 1, 2012, September 2, 2012 and September 5, 2012, the signage warning about PPD was not displayed. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 33 | | HARC Appeals | SMA 12-05
Daniel Harris
c/o Patrick Wright
914 James Street
Withdrawn | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 34 | | Mitigations | Case # 10-919
John A Williams
Paul N Hayes, R/A for
Rent Key West Vacations
1328 Atlantic Blvd | Denied | |
Action details