Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/5/2020 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-5637 1  Discussion ItemsInstructions on how to watch and/or participate in the Virtual Meeting   Action details Not available
20-5665 11 PresentationBudget Process for FY 20-21Received and Filed  Action details Video Video
Min 20-602 12 Minutes*April 7, 2020PassedPass Action details Not available
Min 20-600 13 Minutes*April 21, 2020 - Special MeetingPassedPass Action details Not available
20-5620 14 ResolutionRatifying an Emergency Procurement signed April 9, 2020 by the City Manager, as provided for under Section 2-797(2) of the Code of Ordinances for a work order under the City's Right-of-Way Improvement Contract with Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $279,332.36 for 20th Street improvements from Donald Avenue to 18th Terrace (Phase II).PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5664 15 Resolution*Ratifying an Emergency Procurement dated April 24, 2020 approved by the City Manager as provided for under Section 2-797(2) of the Code of Ordinances, Authorizing a Task Order in an amount not to exceed $125,037.79 for Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. to replace three effluent pipes and the wet well liner at pump station "D"; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5667 16COVID-19 Food Purchases - Non-ProfitsResolution*Ratifying Emergency Procurements approved by the City Manager in a memo dated April 28,2020, as provided for under Section 2-797(2) of the Code of Ordinances, Authorizing the purchase of food and related supplies in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 from SYSCO Corporation to be distributed to community aid organizations for preparation and distribution to citizens of Key West during the Coronavirus Pandemic; Authorizing pursuant to Section 2-797(4) (b) of the Code of Ordinances - Best Interests of the City, Procurements for additional food and related supplies to be provided to local Non-profit Organizations from SYSCO Corporation in an amount up to $143,144.17 (Inclusive of emergency procurement authorized concurrently in this Resolution); Directing staff to work with community aid organizations to ensure needs are addressed; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers and adjustments.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5635 17 Resolution*Rejecting the bids received in response to Invitation to Bid (ITB) #19-011 for Repainting Port Ops Pedestrian Bridge (Navy in-kind project), pursuant Sec. 2-834(4) of the Code of Ordinances.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5644 18 ResolutionApproving the Task Order from Perez Engineering and Development, Inc. in the amount of $461,170.00 for Professional Engineering, Design and Technical Services to install Tide Valves for the Stormwater Outfalls Phase I Project (Project ST38021901); Authorizing any necessary budget transfers; Authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents.PassedPass Action details Video Video
20-5666 19 ResolutionWITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT Approving Transfer of Mobile Vendor License (MVL) #2019-000584 from Joseph A. Sweeney to Thomas F. Ahrensfeld due to hardship.PostponedPass Action details Video Video
20-5655 110Authorize a fare of $1 on the Duval Loop fixed route circulator to reduce impact on the Transportation Alternative Fund. Residents with identification indicating Key West residence will remain fare free.ResolutionAuthorizing a One Dollar ($1.00) Fare on the Duval Loop; Authorizing Free Transportation for Residents with ID Indicating a Key West Residence.PassedPass Action details Video Video
20-5661 111Rent Relief CoronavirusResolutionAuthorizing a Rent Deferment for up to two months, with an up to two-year repayment period for Commercial Tenants of the City of Key West affected by the COVID-19 emergency for the months of April and May 2020, upon individual request by tenants in good standing which meet specific criteria set forth in the memorandum of Doug Bradshaw, Director of Port and Marine Services, dated April 24, 2020; Directing City Staff to analyze and provide recommendations to the City Manager or Designee to Approve and Execute Addendums to Lease for Rent Deferments.PassedPass Action details Video Video
20-5656 112 ResolutionAwarding the Bid from Douglas N. Higgins, Inc., in response to ITB 20-001 for the Deep Well Injection Pump and HVAC Project at the Richard A. Heyman Environmental Protection Facility in the amount of $827,000.00; Authorizing necessary budget adjustments and transfers; Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract in conformance with the bid documents upon consent of the City Attorney.PassedPass Action details Video Video
20-5558 113 Resolution*Ratifying an Emergency Procurement Approved by the City Manager on April 23, 2020, as provided for under Section 2-797(2) and 2-845 of the Code of Ordinances, Approving the attached "Second Amendment to Task Order for the design of Frederick Douglass Gym Expansion between the City and K2M Design, Inc." for additional tasks for the Frederick Douglass Gym Extension Project in an amount not to exceed $29,160.00; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents on behalf of the City of Key West, upon consent of the City Attorney; Authoring any necessary budget amendments and transfers.PostponedPass Action details Not available
19-4102 714Official Zoning Map Amendment - 318-324 Petronia StreetOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the boundaries of the Official Zoning Map, amending boundaries of the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) and Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-3) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for concurrent and conditional adoption upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan amendments; Providing for an effective date.PostponedPass Action details Not available
19-4110 615FLUM amendment for 318-324 Petronica Street (802-806 Whitehead Street), 809 & 811 Terry LaneOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the City's Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 1, entitled "Future Land Use Element", to amend the Future Land Use Map boundaries of the Historic Residential (HR) and Historic Commercial (HC) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for the repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.PostponedPass Action details Not available
20-5641 116 OrdinanceAn Ordinance, Pursuant to Section 8.01 of the Key West Charter, proposing that Section 8.03 of the Key West Charter be amended to permit Non Ad Valorem Bonding in the event of a public emergency upon a Supermajority Vote of the City Commission; Setting the Election of August 18, 2020 as the date of Referendum; Providing for Severability; providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
20-6131 317HNC-4 - FLUMOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Key West Comprehensive Plan for properties located at - 918 Fort Street (RE # 00001630-000801), 727 Fort Street (RE # 00013990-000000), 101 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013970-000000), 709 Fort Street (RE # 00013960-000000), 100 Angela Street (RE # 00013950-000000), 105 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013910-000000), 110 Angela Street (RE # 00013900-000000), 111 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013870-000000), 112 Angela Street (RE # 00013860-000000), 109 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013830-000000), and 114 Angela Street (RE # 00013820-000000); Amending the Future Land Use Map Legend from Historic Public / Semi-Public, Historic Commercial, and Historic Residential to Historic Commercial; and to add a new Future Land Use Map Zoning Subdistrict designation of “Historic Neighborhood Commercial Bahama Village Truman Waterfront” (HNC-4) and applying such designation to said properties; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code Of Ordinances of the City Of Key West,PostponedPass Action details Not available
20-6132 318HNC-4 - OZMOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the Official Zoning Map Legend to create a new Zoning Subsection to be named the Historic Neighborhood Commercial District Bahama Village Truman Waterfront (HNC-4) on property located at 918 Fort Street (RE # 00001630-000801), 727 Fort Street (RE # 00013990-000000), 101 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013970-000000), 709 Fort Street (RE # 00013960-000000), 100 Angela Street (RE # 00013950-000000), 105 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013910-000000), 110 Angela Street (RE # 00013900-000000), 111 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013870-000000), 112 Angela Street (RE # 00013860-000000), 109 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013830-000000), and 114 Angela Street (RE # 00013820-000000); Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code Of Ordinances of the City Of Key West, Florida; Providing for concurrent and conditional adoption upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendments; providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.PostponedPass Action details Not available
20-6134 319HNC-4 - Comp PlanOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West amending Comprehensive Plan Policy 1-1.1.4, entitled “Affordable Housing and Compact Development Incentives,” to add a revised FLUM, amending Comprehensive Plan Table 1-1.1.5, to add an additional subdistrict under Historic and Commercial Future Land Use District, and amending Comprehensive Plan Policy 1-1.1.9, entitled “Allowed Uses in Historic Neighborhood Commercial,” to add a fifth corridor and a fourth HNC subdistrict to allow for up to 40 dwelling units per acre; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date; and Providing for the inclusion in the City of Key West Comprehensive Plan.PostponedPass Action details Not available
20-6135 220HNC-4 - LDROrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West amending Chapter 122 of the Land Development Regulations, entitled “Zoning,” Article IV, entitled “Districts,” Division 8 entitled “Historic Neighborhood Commercial Districts,” to create a new zoning district entitled the “Historic Neighborhood Commercial District Bahama Village Truman Waterfront” (HNC-4), providing amendments to Section 122-92, entitled “Future Land Use Map Designations and Zoning Districts,” Section 122-1111, entitled “Table of Land Use by Districts,” Section 122-1112, entitled “Table of Permitted and Conditional Commercial Retail Uses by Districts,” and Section 122-1151, entitled “Size and Dimension,” Providing for intent, permitted uses, conditional uses, prohibited uses, and dimensional requirements; Providing for residential density of up to 40 units per acre; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.PostponedPass Action details Not available