Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/19/2020 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: N/A
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
20-5640 1 GoToMeeting InstructionsPresentationInstructions for participating in the Virtual MeetingReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
20-5702 11 PresentationCOVID-19 Update - Dr. Bruce Boros Dr. John Norris Dr. Mark WhitesideReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
Min 20-604 12 Minutes*May 5, 2020PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5684 13Changing City Commission meeting date from August 18 to August 19 due to the Primary ElectionsResolution*Re-scheduling the regular City Commission Meeting of August 18th to August 19th, 2020; Stating that any matters scheduled or postponed at a prior meeting to the August 18th Agenda shall be placed on the August 19th Agenda.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5669 24Seawall Assessment Charter Boat RowResolution*Approving a Task Order for Charter Boat Row Seawall Structural Assessment by Tetra Tech, Inc. in a total amount not to exceed $58,672.00, under the City's Environmental Engineering Services Contract; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5672 15 Resolution*Authorizing the Mayor to execute the attached 'Property Appraiser's Request to Split or Combine Real Estate Parcels' Form; Authorizing the Mayor to execute the attached proposed Unity of TItle instrument to combine four parcels of property with addresses of 5220, 5224, 5228 and 5230 College Road into one parcel of land with a single address (5220 College Road) and a single property identification number with the Monroe County Property Appraiser.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5710 16 Resolution*Authorizing the Mayor to execute and record the attached "Easement Agreement" to grant ingress, egress and utility easement in favor of Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) Easement across the College Road property slated for the Garden View Apartments Project.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5697 17 Resolution*Authorizing the Mayor to execute and record the attached "Partial Release and Easement Modification Agreement" to release 25 feet of an existing Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) Easement across the College Road property slated for the Garden View Apartments Project.PassedPass Action details Not available
20-5680 18 ResolutionSupporting the letter and formal comments of the Florida Wildlife Commission submitted to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) in response to the FKNMS "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary: A Blueprint for Restoration: (DEIS); Urging FKNMS to implement FWC Recommendations contained in the attached letter from FWC Chairman Robert A. Spottswood, dated April 29, 2020, along with its accompanying formal comments; Urging FKNMS to focus on improving water quality to protect the reef; Directing the City Clerk to provide copies of this Resolution to representatives of FKNMS, FWC, Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the Key West Charterboat Association.PassedPass Action details Video Video
20-5683 19 ResolutionStating that any development of housing in the area known as the "3.2 acre parcel" at the Truman Waterfront shall be prioritized for the purpose of providing low and very low income housing.Failed  Action details Video Video
20-5666 110 ResolutionWITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT Approving Transfer of Mobile Vendor License (MVL) #2019-000584 from Joseph A. Sweeney to Thomas F. Ahrensfeld due to hardship.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
20-5377 311 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 63 of the Code of Ordinances entitled "Pensions and Retirement Plans" by Amending Section 46-63 to provide for Trustee terms of four years commencing at the end of current terms; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.Passed to Second ReadingPass Action details Video Video
20-6131 312HNC-4 - FLUMOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Key West Comprehensive Plan for properties located at - 918 Fort Street (RE # 00001630-000801), 727 Fort Street (RE # 00013990-000000), 101 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013970-000000), 709 Fort Street (RE # 00013960-000000), 100 Angela Street (RE # 00013950-000000), 105 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013910-000000), 110 Angela Street (RE # 00013900-000000), 111 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013870-000000), 112 Angela Street (RE # 00013860-000000), 109 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013830-000000), and 114 Angela Street (RE # 00013820-000000); Amending the Future Land Use Map Legend from Historic Public / Semi-Public, Historic Commercial, and Historic Residential to Historic Commercial; and to add a new Future Land Use Map Zoning Subdistrict designation of “Historic Neighborhood Commercial Bahama Village Truman Waterfront” (HNC-4) and applying such designation to said properties; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code Of Ordinances of the City Of Key West,Withdrawn  Action details Not available
20-6132 313HNC-4 - OZMOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the Official Zoning Map Legend to create a new Zoning Subsection to be named the Historic Neighborhood Commercial District Bahama Village Truman Waterfront (HNC-4) on property located at 918 Fort Street (RE # 00001630-000801), 727 Fort Street (RE # 00013990-000000), 101 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013970-000000), 709 Fort Street (RE # 00013960-000000), 100 Angela Street (RE # 00013950-000000), 105 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013910-000000), 110 Angela Street (RE # 00013900-000000), 111 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013870-000000), 112 Angela Street (RE # 00013860-000000), 109 Geraldine Street (RE # 00013830-000000), and 114 Angela Street (RE # 00013820-000000); Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code Of Ordinances of the City Of Key West, Florida; Providing for concurrent and conditional adoption upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendments; providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
20-6134 314HNC-4 - Comp PlanOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West amending Comprehensive Plan Policy 1-1.1.4, entitled “Affordable Housing and Compact Development Incentives,” to add a revised FLUM, amending Comprehensive Plan Table 1-1.1.5, to add an additional subdistrict under Historic and Commercial Future Land Use District, and amending Comprehensive Plan Policy 1-1.1.9, entitled “Allowed Uses in Historic Neighborhood Commercial,” to add a fifth corridor and a fourth HNC subdistrict to allow for up to 40 dwelling units per acre; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date; and Providing for the inclusion in the City of Key West Comprehensive Plan.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
20-6135 215HNC-4 - LDROrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Key West amending Chapter 122 of the Land Development Regulations, entitled “Zoning,” Article IV, entitled “Districts,” Division 8 entitled “Historic Neighborhood Commercial Districts,” to create a new zoning district entitled the “Historic Neighborhood Commercial District Bahama Village Truman Waterfront” (HNC-4), providing amendments to Section 122-92, entitled “Future Land Use Map Designations and Zoning Districts,” Section 122-1111, entitled “Table of Land Use by Districts,” Section 122-1112, entitled “Table of Permitted and Conditional Commercial Retail Uses by Districts,” and Section 122-1151, entitled “Size and Dimension,” Providing for intent, permitted uses, conditional uses, prohibited uses, and dimensional requirements; Providing for residential density of up to 40 units per acre; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.Withdrawn  Action details Not available