Meeting Name: Code Compliance Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/29/2015 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Old City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-7376 11 Code ViolationsCase # 13-296 JJJ's A Place in the Sun, Inc. John Correa 1029 Southard Street Sec. 2-939 Licenses Officer Bonnita Badgett Posted: 3-6-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance July 28, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A revocable license is required for the planters and all other items prior to placing them on the city right of way.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7220 12 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1745 Scott Hendricks 1916 Patterson Avenue Sec. 14-37 Building permits, professional plans; display of permits Sec. 14-256 Required Sec. 14-31 Adopted Officer Peg Corbett Certified Service: 1-22-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance September 10, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A detached habitable space was built without the benefit of a building permit. Count 2: Electricity was installed in the detached habitable space without the benefit of an electrical permit. Count 3: Plumbing was installed in the detached habitable space without the benefit of a plumbing permit.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7370 13 Code ViolationsCase # 15-172 Southernmost Cigar Group LLC Marc Miclette - R/A 230 East 7th Street Associates Joseph Cohen - R/A 300 Front Street 1 Sec. 58-68 Commercial solid waste accounts Officer Peg Corbett Certified Service: 2-9-2015 Certified Service: 4-20-2015 - Property Owner Initial Hearing: 3-20-2015 Continued from May 27, 2015 for Settlement Agreement Count 1: The subject business was issued a notice of hearing for July of 2013 for a delinquent waste management account which was paid and was dismissed. The account became delinquent again in February of 2014.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7371 14 Code ViolationsCase # 15-190 Southernmost Cigar Group LLC Marc Miclette - R/A 230 East 7th Street Associates Joseph Cohen - R/A 300 Front Street 1 Sec. 30-1 Fees for false alarms and fire code inspections Officer Peg Corbett Certified Service: 2-9-2015 Certified Service: 4-20-2015 - Property Owner Initial Hearing: 3-20-2015 In compliance April 28, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: The fire inspection fees is more than 90 days past due. This business was previously cited for the same violation in February, 2014.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
14-7039 15 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1631 Theresa Cioffi 3222 Riviera Drive a/k/a 1600 Riviera Street FBC Fuel/Gas 301.11 (ASCE 24-05 Sec. 7.4.1) Unsecured Fuel tank, propane, within a flood zone, below flood level Officer Scott Fraser Certified Service: 12-20-2014 Initial Hearing: 1-28-2015 In compliance April 9, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For failure to obtain a fuel gas permit and properly secure the tank against buoyancy in accordance with the International Building Code.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
14-6810 16 Code ViolationsCase # 14-878 1415 Olivia St LLC David MJR Graham, R/A 1415 Olivia Street Sec. 62-2 Obstructions Officer Leonardo Hernandez Certified Service: 9-19-2014 Initial Hearing: 11-14-2014 In compliance September 18, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For installing pavers and plants on the city's right of way.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7377 17 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1546 Patricia Ledo Fernandez 2910 Fogarty Avenue Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business Sec. 26-126 Clearing of property of debris and noxious material required Officer Leonardo Hernandez Certified Service: 2-28-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance April 14, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A business tax receipt is required to rent your property. Count 2: The property is overgrown with vegetation and yard waste is scattered on the ground.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7382 18 Code ViolationsCase # 15-33 Robert Edward Sunderman 415 Bahama Street Sec. 110-292 Failure to achieve a compliance agreement Officer Leonardo Hernandez Certified Service: 3-16-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 New Case Count 1: For failure to fulfill the conditions of the settlement agreement with the tree commissionContinuance  Action details Video Video
15-7233 19 Code ViolationsCase # 15-43 Doctor's Spa Adrienne Curran 1075 Duval Street C18 Sec. 114-104 Restriction on number of signs permitted Officer Leonardo Hernandez Certified Service: 1-15-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance February 26, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For exceeding the number number of allowable signsDismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7384 110 Code ViolationsCase # 15-63 Aqua Key West LLC Kimball Ingram 711 Duval Street Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs Officer Leonardo Hernandez Certified Service: 2-2-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance February 27, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: Portable signs are prohibited in the historic districtDismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7443 111 Code ViolationsCase # 15-360 Michael Dicken 325 Duval Street Sec. 26-192 Unreasonably excessive noise prohibited Officer Leonardo Hernandez Hand Served: 3-23-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from May 27, 2015 Count 1: Mr. Thomas Gocham finds the drummer, Michael, loud drumming disturbing.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7221 112 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1752 BO's Fish Wagon, Inc. Holly Owen - President Dragonfly Consulting - Registered Agent 801 Caroline Street Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district Officer Mary Lockyear Certified Service: 1-23-2015 - Holly Owen Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance February 25, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A counter was installed without the benefit of a building permit. Count 2: A counter was installed without the benefit of HARC approval.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7225 113 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1788 National Playground Construction William Calhoun - Registered Agent 1100 Varela Street Sec. 62-3 Schedule of right-of-way permit fees Sec. 14-150 Insurance coverage Officer Mary Lockyear Certified Service: 1-29-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance May 11, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: Heavy equipment was used to install the playground equipment without obtaining a right-of-way permit for use of the sidewalk. Count 2: Heavy equipment was driven over the sidewalk without providing insurance to cover any damage to the sidewalk.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7230 114 Code ViolationsCase # 15-11 Neptune Designs Jay Pfahl 301 Duval Street A & B Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district Sec. 114-104 Restriction on number of signs permitted Officer Mary Lockyear Certified Service: 1-28-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance April 17, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For failure to obtain HARC approval for the 13 signs. Count 2: For exceeding the number of allowable signs.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7232 115 Code ViolationsCase # 15-17 The Restaurant Store Richard Tallmadge 1111 Eaton Street Front Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business - Dismiss Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs Officer Mary Lockyear Certified Service: 1-9-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 In compliance March 17, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For the exterior seating which is not licensed. Count 2: For failure to obtain HARC approval for the Bone Island Brewing sign. Count 3: For exceeding the number of allowable signs.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7386 116 Code ViolationsCase # 15-101 Abaco Gold Angela Williamson 422 Front Street Sec. 114-104 Restriction on number of signs permitted Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts Officer Mary Lockyear Certified Service: 3-9-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance May 26, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For exceeding the number of allowable signs. Count 2: For failure to obtain a certificate of appropriateness for the signs.Continuance  Action details Video Video
14-7023 117 Code ViolationsCase # 13-332 Jean Venes Dieujuste 1300 15th Court 78 Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits Officer Barbara Meizis Certified Service: 12-17-2014 Initial Hearing: 1-28-2015 In compliance April 28, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: For failure to obtain a building permit prior to replacing the floors and walls of the trailer and adding onto the trailer.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7380 118 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1720 CAMA SDIRA LLC FBO Alex Model C/O Camaplan 1501 White Street Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits Sec. 118-516 Stop work orders Officer Barbara Meizis Certified Service: 3-23-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance March 27, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A building permit is required prior to the installation of a concrete fence. Count 2: A stop work order was issued on December 3, 2014 for the concrete fence. On March 4, 2015, the work had been completed without the benefit of a permit.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7416 119 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1781 David W Lehmkuhl 620 Petronia Street Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic district Officer Barbara Meizis Certified Service: Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance March 5, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: A building permit is required prior to constructing a fence and gate. Count 2: A Certificate of appropriateness is required prior to constructing a fence and gate.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7383 120 Code ViolationsCase # 15-51 James E & Laura D Thornbrugh 1107 Truman Avenue Sec. 66-102 Date due and delinquent; penalties Sec. 66-103 Transfer of license Officer Barbara Meizis Certified Service: 3-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance May 26, 2015. Fees have not been paid. Count 1: The business tax receipt for Island Advertising & Printing is delinquent. Count 2: Your expired business tax receipt is from 1025 White Street and needs to be transferred to your current location of 1107 Truman Avenue.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7385 121 Code ViolationsCase # 15-65 Daniele Fazekas 818 Carstens Lane Sec. 58-31 Container and receptacle requirements (f) Officer Barbara Meizis Certified Service: 2-18-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance March 4, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: Waste containers have been left out on the city right of way on the following days: Thursday, January 15, Friday, January 16 and Thursday, January 22. Trash pick up is on Monday.Dismissed  Action details Video Video
15-7442 122 Code ViolationsCase # 15-165 Natividad Vila L/E Ines M Brown T/C 1324 20th Terrace Sec. 90-356 Building permits required Sec. 90-365 Violations and penalties Officer Jim Young Posted: 3-19-2015 Certified Service: 5-12-2015 - Ines Brown Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from October 21, 2015 for compliance Count 1: Building permits are required prior to construction of the addition. Count 2: Constructed an addition on the side of the structure in the setbacks without a building permit.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7226 123 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1798 Matthew N Boucher 3128 Riviera Drive Sec. 18-601 License required - Counts 1-8, Counts 9-16 and Counts 17-24 Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations - Counts 25-27 Sec. 122-237 Prohibited uses - Counts 28-30 Sec. 41-1 Offenses under state law - Count 31 FL Statute 489.103 Exemptions - Count 32 Officer Matt Willman Certified Service: 2-26-2015 Initial Hearing: 2-25-2015 Amended Hearing: 5-27-2015 Continued from May 27, 2015 for fee affidavit Counts 1 - 8: The subject property was rented transiently to Kristen & Kevin Kaczmareck from 12-19-14 through 12-26-14 for $7,500 without the benefit of a transient license. Counts 9 - 16: The subject property was rented transiently to Brian Kindred from 12-27-14 through 1-3-15 for $7,500 without the benefit of a transient license. Counts 17 - 24 The subject property was rented transiently to Greg Sweeney from 1-10-15 through 1-17-15 for $5,200 without the benefit of a transient license. Count 25 - 27: This property is being offered/advertised by owner Matthew Boucher on tContinuance  Action details Video Video
15-7417 124 Code ViolationsCase # 14-1821 Janice Isherwood 523 Elizabeth Street Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts Officer Matt Wilman Hand Served: 4-25-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from April 29, 2015 for compliance Count 1: A building permit is required prior to the construction of a new deck. Count 2: A certificate of appropriateness is required prior to the construction of a new deck.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7387 125 Code ViolationsCase # 15-160 Stephen & Luna Phillips 1012 Varela Street 1 Sec. 18-601 License required Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Sec. 122-599 Prohibited uses Officer Matt Willman Certified Service: 2-26-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 In compliance May 15, 2015, request dismissal Count 1: The property is being held out on for short term rentals without a transient license. Count 2: The property is being held out on for short term rentals. Count 3: Transient rentals are prohibited in the Historic Medium Density Residential district (HMDR).Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7388 126 Code ViolationsCase # 15-203 Ronald Kaisen 1211 Catherine Street Sec. 18-601 License required Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Sec. 122-599 Prohibited uses Officer Matt Willman Posted: 4-9-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Settlement Agreement Count 1: The property is being held out on VRBO for short term rentals without a transient license. Count 2: The property is being held out on VRBO for short term rentals. Count 3: Transient rentals are prohibited in the Historic Medium Density Residential district (HMDR).Violation Fine  Action details Video Video
15-7389 127 Code ViolationsCase # 15-248 Key Cove Landings LLC Christopher Belland, R/A 3 Key Cove Drive Sec. 18-601 License required Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Sec. 122-579 Prohibited uses Officer Matt Willman Certified Service: 2-28-2015 - owner Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from April 29, 2015 - Settlement Agreement Count 1: The property is being held out on Last Key Realty and Home Away for short term rentals without a transient license. Count 2: The property is being held out on Last Key Realty and Home Away for short term rentals. Count 3: Transient rentals are prohibited in the Medium Density Residential district (MDR-1).Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7391 128 Code ViolationsCase # 15-249 Key Cove Landings LLC Christopher Belland, R/A 10 Key Cove Drive Sec. 18-601 License required Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Sec. 122-579 Prohibited uses Officer Matt Willman Certified Service: 3-2-2015 - owner Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from April 29, 2015 - Settlement Agreement Count 1: The property is being held out on Last Key Realty and Home Away for short term rentals without a transient license. Count 2: The property is being held out on Last Key Realty and Home Away for short term rentals. Count 3: Transient rentals are prohibited in the Medium Density Residential district (MDR-1).Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7418 129 Code ViolationsCase # 15-310 Sea Cups LLC dba; Dante's Wayne Smith - R/A Brandon Shea Kocis, DJ 955 Caroline Street Sec. 26-192 Unreasonably excessive noise prohibited Officer Matt Willman Certified Service: 3-16-2015 - Dante's Certified Service: 3-25-2015 - Mr. Kocis Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from April 29, 2015 - Settlement Agreement Count 1: On March 9, 2015, Officer's Lockyear and Hernandez responded to a complaint of loud music. Noise readings were 99.3 dbc.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7378 130 Code ViolationsCase # 14-154 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas 2321 Fogarty Avenue Sec. 26-126 Clearing of property of debris and noxious materials required Officer Jim Young Certified Service: 3-3-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from April 29, 2015 for compliance Count 1: Property is overgrown with landscaping and debrisContinuance  Action details Video Video
15-7527 131 Code ViolationsCase # 15-0001 Airbnb, Inc. c/o Lawyers Incorporating Service, R/A 528 Grinnell Street Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Office Jim Young Certified Service: 2-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from June 24, 2015 for the Settlement Agreement Count 1: On 30 Dec 15 a bedroom located at this property was being held out/advertised on website for rent at a rate of $225 per night without the required transient business tax receipt.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7528 132 Code ViolationsCase # 15-0002 Airbnb, Inc. c/o Lawyers Incorporating Service, R/A 719 Catherine Street Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Officer Jim Young Certified Service: 2-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from June 24, 2015 for the Settlement Agreement Count 1: On 30 Dec 14 this property was being held out/advertised on website for rent at a rate of $325 per night without the required transient business tax receipt.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7529 133 Code ViolationsCase # 15-0003 Airbnb, Inc. c/o Lawyers Incorporating Service, R/A 104 Geraldine Street Sec. 122-1371. - Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Officer Jim Young Certified Service: 2-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from June 24, 2015 for the Settlement Agreement Count 1: On 30 Dec 14 a bedroom located at this property was being held out/advertised on website for rent at a rate of $100 per night without the required transient business tax receipt.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7530 134 Code ViolationsCase # 15-0005 Airbnb, Inc. c/o Lawyers Incorporating Service, R/A 925 Seminary Street Rear Sec. 122-1371. - Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Officer Jim Young Certified Service: 2-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from June 24, 2015 for the Settlement Agreement Count 1: On 30 Dec 14 a bedroom located at this property was being held out/advertised on website for rent at a rate of $140 per night without the required transient business tax receipt.Continuance  Action details Video Video
15-7531 135 Code ViolationsCase # 15-0027 Airbnb, Inc. c/o Lawyers Incorporating Service, R/A 1 Baptist Lane Sec. 122-1371. - Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (d)(9) Officer Jim Young Certified Service: 2-17-2015 Initial Hearing: 4-29-2015 Continued from June 24, 2015 for the Settlement Agreement Count 1: On 30 Dec 14 this property was being held out/advertised on website for rent at a rate of $395 per night without the required transient business tax receipt.Continuance  Action details Video Video
14-6711 136 LiensCase # 13-374 Anola Mira Yvette Talbott 1104 Virginia Street Certified Service: 4-8-2015Approved  Action details Video Video