| 1 | 17 | | Code Violations | Case # 19-1592
Rosemie Thomas
1213 14th Street 54
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Officer Troy Montero
Certified Mail: 11-25-2019
Initial Hearing: 1-30-2020
Count 1: Failure to obtain all proper building permits. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1451
Alison Jane Johnson
1610 Trinidad Drive
Sec. 18-601 License required
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations D(9)
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Hand Posted: 10-8-2021
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
Continued from 21 October 2021
Count 1-27: Unlawful to lease a residential property for a period of less than 30 days or one calendar month without having obtained a business tax receipt.
Count 28-30: Failure to obtain the required city, county or state license for holding out/ advertising a short-term rental at this property.
Count 31-58: Unlawfully holding out this short-term rental for twenty seven nights.
Count 59: Failure to contact the Planning Department and obtain the necessary legal unit determination for each unit.
Count 60: Failure to apply and obtain a building permit from the City of Key West B | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 14 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1650
Keys IV Health & Hydration
Hershoff Lupino Yagel L.L.P.- Registered Agent
335 Duval Street #6
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts- Dismissed
Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs
Officer Igor Timus
Certified Mail: 11-01-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
New Case
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of appropriateness from the City of Key West HARC Department.- Dismissed
Count 2: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of appropriateness for an "A" frame sign from the City of Key West HARC Department. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 1 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1311
Charles Means
515 Bahama Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 8-20-2021
Initial Hearing:10-21-2021
In compliance as of 10 November 2021; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain the appropriate building permits with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 2: Failure to apply and obtain the appropriate permits for the HARC district. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1349
Patrick & Terri Labrada- Heard at October Hearing
William Salvatore- Settlement Agreement
1901 S Roosevelt Blvd 305N
Sec. 18-601 License required - Irreparable
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations - Irreparable
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations (D)(3) - Irreparable
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 8-20-2021- Patrick & Terri Labrada
Certified Mail: 8-18-2021- William Salvatore
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
Continued from 21 October 2021
Count 1-7: Unlawful to lease a residential property for a period of less than 30 days or one calendar month without having obtained a business tax receipt. - Irreparable
Count 8-10: Failure to obtain the required city, county or state license for holding out/ advertising a short-term rental at this property. - Irreparable
Count 11-17: Unlawfully holding out this short-term rental for seven nights. - Irreparable | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 4 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1693
Rent Key West Vacations Inc.
Paul N. Hayes- Registered Agent
918 Southard Street #108
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 11-01-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 3 November 2021; Request finding
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a non-transient license with the City of Key West Licensing Department. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 5 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1695
Rent Key West Vacations Inc.
Paul N. Hayes- Registered Agent
1124 Olivia Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 10-27-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 3 November 2021; Request finding
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a non-transient license with the City of Key West Licensing Department. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 6 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1699
Rent Key West Vacations, Inc.
Paul N. Hayes- Registered Agent
607 Margaret Street
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 10-27-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 2 November 2021; Request finding
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a non-transient license with the City of Key West Licensing Department. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 7 | | Code Violations | Case # 20-227
Tadd Mallard
3359 Flagler Ave
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Officer Paul Navarro
Hand Posted: 9-30-2021
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
In compliance as of 7 December 2021; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain permits from the City of Key West Building Department. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 8 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1644
National Car Rental
C/O Enterprise Holding INC
2516 N Roosevelt Blvd
Sec. 122-1406 Obstructions to visibility- Repeat
Officer Laurie Skinner
Certified Mail:
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
New Case
Count 1: Failure to remove cars parked in front of the fence of the subject property.- Repeat | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 9 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1125
Peter N Brawn
1413 South Street
Sec. 110-259 Duty of private property owner
Sec. 26-126 Clearing of property of debris and noxious material required
Sec. 26-32 Nuisances illustrated
Sec. 62-2 Obstructions
Officer Roman Stenko
Certified Mail: 10-15-2021
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
In compliance as of 10 November 2021; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to cut the overgrown plants around the subject property.
Count 2: Failure to remove all noxious materials, beehive, and unsanitary conditions from the subject property.
Count 3: Failure to remove all nuisances conditions and stagnant water from the subject property.
Count 4: Failure to remove all plants obstructing the ordinary use of the right-of-way. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 10 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1496
Phyllis Squires
1513 Seminary Street
Sec. 26-32 Nuisances illustrated
Sec. 26-126 Clearing of property of debris and noxious material required
Officer Roman Stenko
Certified Mail: 10-6-2021
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
City request to vacate findings and order; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to remove all miscellaneous items and clean the property from all overgrown weed, grasses and trees.
Count 2: Failure to remove all miscellaneous items and clean the property from all overgrown weed, grasses and trees. | Violation Fine | |
Action details
| 1 | 11 | | Code Violations | Case # 19-1707
211 Duval Company
C/O Duval Group
Charles Ittah- Registered Agent
215 Duval Street
Sec. 2-939 Licenses- Dismissed
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions- Dismissed
Sec. 114-108 Maintenance of all signs
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts- Dismissed
Officer Igor Timus
Certified Mail: 10-4-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 23 February 2022; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a revocable license from the City of Key West Licensing Department.- Dismissed
Count 2: Failure to apply and obtain a permit from the City of Key West Building Department.- Dismissed
Count 3: Failure to restore historic sign.
Count 4: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of appropriateness from the City of Key West HARC Department.- Dismissed | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 12 | | Code Violations | Case # 20-31
Florida Limited Liability Company
530 William Street LLC
F&L Corp- Registered Agent
719 Fleming Street
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts
Sec. 122-600 Dimensional requirements
Sec. 14-256 Permit required
Sec. 14-262 Request for inspection
Sec. 14-359 Permit display
Sec. 14-326 Plans and specifications
Sec. 14-327 Inspection
Officer Igor Timus
Certified Mail: 10-25-2021
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 21 March 2022; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a building permit with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 2: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of appropriateness with the City of Key West HARC Department.
Count 3: Failure to apply and obtain a variance with the City of Key West Planning Department.
Count 4: Failure to apply and obtain building permits with the City of Key West Building Department.
Count 5: Failure to contact the City of Key West Building Department and schedule an electrical inspection.
Count 6: Failure t | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 13 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1526
Summer Breeze Oxygen Bar, LLC
Hershoff Lupino Yagel L.L.P.- Registered Agent
335 Duval Street #6
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Officer Igor Timus
Certified Mail: 10-15-2021
Initial Hearing: 10-21-2021
In compliance as of 12 November 2021; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a business tax receipt with the City of Key West Licensing Department. | Dismissed | |
Action details
| 1 | 15 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1557
Donna Chavis
827 Emma Street
Sec. 110-292 Failure to achieve a settlement agreement
Officer Jim Young
Certified Mail: 11-01-2021- Amended Notice
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
Continued from 18 November 2021
Count 1: Failure to comply with the settlement agreement. | Continuance | |
Action details
| 1 | 16 | | Code Violations | Case # 21-1562
Michaell Donoghue
1501 George Street
Sec. 110-292 Failure to achieve a settlement agreement
Officer Jim Young
Certified Mail: Amended Notice
Initial Hearing: 11-18-2021
In compliance as of 31 May 2023; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to comply with the settlement agreement. | Continuance | |
Action details