Case # 18-1930
Toppino Construction Company, Inc.
Edward Toppino Sr. - Registered Agent
2011 Flagler Avenue
Sec. 122-389 Prohibited uses
Sec. 66-87 Business tax receipt required for all holding themselves out to be engaged in business
Sec. 122-390 Dimensional requirements
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Officer Jorge Lopez
Certified Mail: 12-15-2018 - Toppino Construction
Certified Mail: 12-19-2018 - Edward Toppino Sr.
Initial Hearing: 1-30-2019
In compliance 25 Jan 2019; Request Dismissal
Count 1: Renting this property as residential units which is prohibited in the Limited Commercial Zone District. Count 2: Failure to obtain a non-transient business tax receipt. Count 3: Two sheds and one carport are located within the setbacks. Count 4: Failure to obtain a building permit for the construction of a carport in the rear side of the subject location.