File #: 25-3341    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Planning Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/5/2025 In control: Planning Board
On agenda: 2/20/2025 Final action:
Title: Text Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - Barton W. Smith, Attorney, on behalf of Stockrock SI LLC, Island-West Investment Corp., Poinciana - Venture II LLC, and Meisel Holdings FL - 1321 Simonton Street, seeks to amend the Land Development Regulations Chapter 122, entitled “Zoning”, Article V, entitled “Supplementary District Regulations”, Division 10, entitled “Work Force Housing” pursuant to Section 90-518 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. The amendment would modify Section 122-1466, entitled “Definitions” by amending definitions regarding annual income, family size, workforce housing classifications. The amendment would modify Section 122-1467, entitled “Requirements of affordable work force housing” to eliminate workforce housing requirements for residential redevelopment and modify workforce housing requirements for new residential development, which includes increasing the fee-in-lieu, modifying linkage pr...
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Draft Ordinance, 3. Proposed Text Amendment, 4. Applicant's Inclusionary Housing Memo, 5. Planning Package, 6. Public Comment 2.20.25
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Text Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - Barton W. Smith, Attorney, on behalf of Stockrock SI LLC, Island-West Investment Corp., Poinciana - Venture II LLC, and Meisel Holdings FL - 1321 Simonton Street, seeks to amend the Land Development Regulations Chapter 122, entitled “Zoning”, Article V, entitled “Supplementary District Regulations”, Division 10, entitled “Work Force Housing” pursuant to Section 90-518 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. The amendment would modify Section 122-1466, entitled “Definitions”  by amending definitions regarding annual income, family size, workforce housing classifications. The amendment would modify Section 122-1467, entitled “Requirements of affordable work force housing” to eliminate workforce housing requirements for residential redevelopment and modify workforce housing requirements for new residential development, which includes increasing the fee-in-lieu, modifying linkage provisions, allowing required workforce housing units to be constructed on linked sites in unincorporated Monroe County west of Big Pine Key, modifying the spread of required & permitted low-, medium-, and middle-income units, and adding provisions for a maximum sales price of owner-occupied affordable housing units.