City of Key West Budget Workshop for Fiscal Year 2023/2024
1. FY2023-2024 All Funds Summary, 2. FY2023-2024 General Fund Summary, 3. General Fund Revenue, 4. City Commission, 5. City Manager, 6. City Clerk, 7. Citizen's Review Board, 8. Parking, 9. Finance, 10. Human Resources, 11. Information Technology, 12. KeyTV, 13. City Attorney, 14. City Planner, 15. Non-Departmental, 16. Fleet Services, 17. Public Works, 18. Engineering Services, 19. Facilities Maintenance, 20. Disaster Recovery, 21. Police, 22. Fire, 23. Building Services, 24. Code Compliance, 25. Emergency Preparedness, 26. Emergency Medical Services, 27. Tree Commission, 28. Port Operations, 29. Homeless Services, 30. Parks & Recreation, 31. Infrastructure Fund, 32. Internal Improvements (Gas Tax) Fund, 33. Fort Taylor Surcharge Fund, 34. Affordable Housing Fund, 35. Truman Waterfront Fund, 36. Adaptation and Sustainability Fund, 37. Community (AIPP) Fund, 38. Community Development Office, 39. Transportation Alternative Fund, 40. Law Enforcement Trust Fund, 41. Capital Projects Fund, 42. Sewer Fund, 43. Stormwater Fund, 44. Solid Waste Fund, 45. Key West Bight Fund, 46. Transit System Fund, 47. City Marina, 48. Insurance Fund, 49. Bahama Village TIF Fund, 50. Caroline Street TIF Fund, 51. Potential Merit Increases, 52. Reclass Requests, 53. Infrastructure Fund CIP, 54. Internal Improvements (Gas Tax) Fund CIP, 55. Sewer Fund CIP, 56. Stormwater Fund CIP, 57. Solid Waste CIP, 58. Key West Bight Fund CIP, 59. City Marina CIP, 60. Other Fund CIP, 61. Master