Case # 19-604
Orogold Cosmetics
Nir Chen
Zohar Alon
518 Duval Street
Repeat - Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (3) No written statement
Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (8) Consent Form
Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (9) Use of disposable applicators and disposable gloves
Repeat - Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (3) No written statement
Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (8) Consent Form
Sec. 18-705 Requirement of permit holder (9) Use of disposable applicators and disposable gloves
Officer Bonnita Badgett
Certified Mail: 4-15-2019 - Nir Chen
Certified Mail: 4-15-2019 - Zohar Alon
Initial Hearing: 5-29-2019
Continued from 31 July 2019 - Repeat Counts 1 &4
Count 1: Failure to provide a written statement to sign before applying sample products to Mr. Keller's face. - Repeat. Count 2: Failure to provide a consent form before applying sample products to Mr. Keller's face. Count 3: Failure to use gloves while applying sample products to Mr. Keller's face. Count 4: Failure to provide a written statement to sign before applying sample products to Ms. De More's face. - Repeat. Count 5: Failure to provide a consent form before applying sample products to Ms. De More's face. Count 6: Failure to use gloves while applying sample products to Mr. De More's face.