Case # 19-1568
Charles Mendola - Registered agent
828 Duval Street
Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs
Sec. 14-40 Permits in historic districts
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 66-109 Schedule of taxes
Sec. 2-939 Revocable Licenses
Officer Troy Montero
Certified Mail: 3-2-2020
Initial Hearing: 3-26-2020
Continued from 25 March 2021
Count 1: Failure to obtain HARC approval for signage.
Count 2: Failure to obtain HARC certificate of appropriateness for installation of cameras and outside bar.
Count 3: Failure to obtain building permits.
Count 4: Failure to obtain approval for additional seating.
Count 5: Failure to obtain revocable license for awning over city right of way.