Case # 19-224
Lavenir LED Advertisement, LLC
Emiro A. Pajaro - RA
616 Simonton Street
Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs
Sec. 114-103 Prohibited signs
Sec. 108-609 Use of parking areas for purposes other than parking prohibited
Sec. 70-116 Prohibited parking
Officer Sophia Doctoche
Certified Mail: 3-23-2019
Initial Hearing: 4-24-2019
Continued from 24 April 2019 - Irreparable Violations
Count 1: Vehicle with signage parked at the subject property is prohibited in the Historic District. Count 2: Vehicle displaying unpermitted portable and animated signs as defined in 114-101 in the historic district on 3/4/19, 3/22/19, 3/23/19, 3/17/19, 4/2/19, 4/4/19, 4/6/19, 4/12/19 and continuing daily. Count 3: All parking areas are to be used for automobile vehicles - no sales activity or services. Count 4: Vehicle was parked on a public place displaying advertisement.