Case # 16-1169
Key Cove Landings LLC
Christopher Belland - Registered Agent
4 Key Cove Drive
Sec. 18-601 License Required - Repeat Violation
Sec. 122-1371 Transient living accommodations in residential dwellings; regulations - Repeat Violation
Officer Peg Corbett
Certified Service: 8-16-2016
Initial Hearing: 8-31-2016
Settlement Agreement
Count 1: Being held out/advertised on www.homeaway.com for short term rental without the required business tax receipt. City reserved the dates of 17- Sept 2016 through 23 Sept 2016 for $4,016.35. The property is advertised with a four night minimun. Mr. Belland was previously cited for the same charge and signed a Settlement Agreement for case number 15-249. Count 2: The property is being held out/advertised for short term rental without the requisite city, county and state licensing. The property does not have a transient medallion and has not been inspected by the Fire Department. Counts 3 - 8: Sec. 122-1371 (d) 9: The property is being held out...