Withdrawn by Staff: Text amendment of the Land Development Regulations - A Resolution of the City of Key West Planning Board recommending an amendment of the Land Development Regulations, entitled Chapter 86 - General Provisions, Section 86-9 - Definition of terms, Chapter 122 - Zoning, Article IV - Districts, Division 4 - Commercial Districts, Subdivision II - Limited Commercial (CL) District, Subdivision III - General Commercial (CG) District, Division 7 - Historic Residential Commercial Core (HRCC-1 to 3) Districts, Subdivision II - HRCC-1 (Duval Street Gulfside District), Subdivision IV - Historic Residential Commercial Core - 3 (Duval Street Oceanside District) to allow for the definition of “personal service establishments” and the inclusion of tattoo parlors as permitted uses within the CL, CG, HRCC-1, and HRCC-3 Districts; providing for severability; providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; providing for an effective date.