Case # 18-1639
Jessica Clark
1824 Fogarty Ave 1
Sec. 90-363 Certificate of occupancy required
Sec. 58-61 Determination and levy of charge
Sec. 14-37 Building permits; professional plans; display of permits; address; exceptions
Sec. 14-72 Minimum facilities
Officer Jim Young
Certified Mail: 1-27-2021
Initial Hearing: 2-18-2021
In compliance as of 10 February 2022; Request dismissal
Count 1: Failure to apply and obtain a certificate of occupancy for the unit located in the rear side of the property.
Count 2: Failure to contact the Planning Department to apply and obtain cost of impact fees.
Count 3: Failure to provide an as-built certificate to the Building Department.
Count 4: Failure to remove the tarp and bed from this area.