Meeting Name: Caroline Street Corridor and Bahama Village Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
Min 24-1487 11 Minutes*December 12, 2024ApprovedPass Action details Not available
25-3315 22Purchase Exemption RatificationResolution*Ratifying pursuant to Section 2-797 of the Code of Ordinances the attached Key West Historic Seaport and Bight Marina FY2025 marketing services Task Order between the City/CRA and Adept Public Relations, LLC in an amount not to exceed $201,125.00; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers or adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute necessary documents on behalf of the City/CRA, upon consent of the City Attorney.PassedPass Action details Not available
25-3362 23Local Color lease renewalResolution*Approving the attached Lease between the CRA and Local Color Key West, Inc., d/b/a Local Color for the property located at 276 Margaret Street.PassedPass Action details Not available
25-3313 24FT Bid Support & CEIResolution*Approving Task Order #3 for Tetra Tech, Inc. for Bid Support and Construction Administration Services for the Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Revitalization and Shoreline Stabilization Project (Project KB75062201) in a total amount of $234,976.00; Approving any necessary budget transfers; Authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents, upon consent of the City Attorney.PassedPass Action details Not available
25-3347 15First Amendment to ILA with County for Man of War Harbor Mooring FieldResolutionApproving the attached "Amendment to Interlocal Agreement" between Monroe County, Florida and the City of Key West, Florida for upland support for Man of War Harbor Mooring Field; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents, upon consent of the City Attorney.PassedPass Action details Not available
25-3352 36Schooner Floating DocksResolutionAwarding the Bid of Gemstone RDI JV in response to ITB #25-003 in a total amount not to exceed $1,045,700.00 for Schooner Wharf Floating Docks Replacement (KB75031802) at the Key West Bight Marina; Waiving minor irregularities; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers or adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents in conformance with the bid documents, upon consent of the City Attorney.DeniedPass Action details Not available