| 2 | 2 | Purchase Exemption Ratification | Resolution | *Ratifying pursuant to Section 2-797 of the Code of Ordinances the attached Key West Historic Seaport and Bight Marina FY2025 marketing services Task Order between the City/CRA and Adept Public Relations, LLC in an amount not to exceed $201,125.00; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers or adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute necessary documents on behalf of the City/CRA, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 3 | Local Color lease renewal | Resolution | *Approving the attached Lease between the CRA and Local Color Key West, Inc., d/b/a Local Color for the property located at 276 Margaret Street. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | 4 | FT Bid Support & CEI | Resolution | *Approving Task Order #3 for Tetra Tech, Inc. for Bid Support and Construction Administration Services for the Key West Bight Ferry Terminal Revitalization and Shoreline Stabilization Project (Project KB75062201) in a total amount of $234,976.00; Approving any necessary budget transfers; Authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5 | First Amendment to ILA with County for Man of War Harbor Mooring Field | Resolution | Approving the attached "Amendment to Interlocal Agreement" between Monroe County, Florida and the City of Key West, Florida for upland support for Man of War Harbor Mooring Field; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 6 | Schooner Floating Docks | Resolution | Awarding the Bid of Gemstone RDI JV in response to ITB #25-003 in a total amount not to exceed $1,045,700.00 for Schooner Wharf Floating Docks Replacement (KB75031802) at the Key West Bight Marina; Waiving minor irregularities; Authorizing any necessary budget transfers or adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents in conformance with the bid documents, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Denied | Pass |
Action details
Not available