| 1 | 1 | | Proclamation | Maritime Day | Received and Filed | |
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Not available
| 1 | 2 | | Proclamation | Guidance/Care Center 50th Anniversary | Received and Filed | |
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| 1 | 3 | | Proclamation | National Emergency Medical Services Week 2023 | Received and Filed | |
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| 1 | 4 | | Presentation | 6 Month Budget Update - Christina Bervaldi, Director of Finance | Received and Filed | |
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Min 23-1200
| 1 | 5 | | Minutes | *May 2, 2023 (Regular) | Passed | Pass |
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Min 23-1205
| 1 | 6 | | Minutes | *May 9, 2023 (Special) | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 7 | Key West High School 2023 Graduation at the Amphitheater | Resolution | *Authorizing Monroe County School Board to hold the 2023 Key West High School graduation at the Key West Truman Waterfront Coffee Butler Amphitheater on Friday, May 26, 2023 from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Pursuant to terms and conditions set forth by the City Manager. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 8 | Key West Cultural Preservation Society, Inc Event | Resolution | *Authorizing the Key West Cultural Preservation Society, Inc. to conduct a Sunset Celebration as a fundraiser on Friday, May 26, 2023, Saturday, May 27, 2023 and Sunday, May 28, 2023, from 6:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. during their daily sunset celebrations; Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages at Mallory Square. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 9 | Approving the appointment of CRB Member - Rochelle McEntyre | Resolution | *Reappointing Rochelle McEntyre to the Citizen Review Board (CRB). | Withdrawn | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 10 | Operation Graduation 2023 | Resolution | *Authorizing a $500.00 donation from the Law Enforcement Officers Trust Fund (State Forfeiture Funds) to the Key West High School Operation Graduation Program (2023), pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 932.7055. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 11 | Mooring Field Inspections | Resolution | *Awarding the bid of CScape Construction, Inc. for Key West Mooring Field Inspection and Ground Tackle Replacement for a contract term of three years in response to Invitation to Bid (ITB) #23-009; Authorizing on inspection and replacement ($83,936.60) in FY 22/23 and two inspections and replacements in FY 23/24 and subsequent years ($167,873.20 plus annual CPI adjustments); Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments and amendments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract in conformance with the bid documents, upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 12 | Approving staff ranking of firms submitting responses to RFQ #23-001: Transit Bus Advertising; Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract on behalf of the City with the highest-ranked upon consent of the City Attorney; Authorizing an | Resolution | *Ranking the responsive and responsible response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) No 23-001 for transit bus advertising services; Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with the highest ranked firm, Fuel Media Holdings, LLC upon advice and consent of the City Attorney; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments or transfers. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 13 | State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Grant Agreement to Assist with the Purchase of an Electric Bus to Replace a Diesel Bus. | Resolution | *Approving the attached "State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection Standard Grant Agreement" Number VW304 for the purchase of electric transit buses to replace eligible diesel transit buses, in a total amount up to $300,000.00; Authorizing the City Manager to execute the Agreement, and to approve and execute any subsequent amendments that may adjust the grand funding allocations to the City or modify the project scope, upon consent of the City Attorney; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments or transfers to accept the funding. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 14 | Citywide Pavement Condition Index Evaluation | Resolution | *Authorizing the procurement of a Roadway Management Technologies Service Agreement from Roadway Management Technologies, LLC Service (RMT), in the amount of $21,000.00 for the first year of a two-year renewable contract, in the best interests of the City, pursuant to Section 2-7977(4)(b) of the Code of Ordinances; Authorizing any necessary budget adjustments; Authorizing the City Manager to execute necessary documents upon consent of the City Attorney. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 15 | | Resolution | Proclaiming the Schooner Wolf the new Official Flagship of the City of Key West. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | 16 | Direction on Pier B request to expand submerged land lease | Resolution | Recommend with regard to the Pier B Development Corp. request to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to modify its existing submerged lands lease; Authorizing the City Clerk to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to designated members of Florida Legislature and Administration. | Passed | Pass |
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Not available
| 2 | 17 | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, modifying the membership of the Development Review Committee (DRC) and transferring the responsibility to approve lot splits from the DRC to the Planning Board, by amending Land Development Regulations Chapter 90, entitled “Administration”, Article II, entitled “Boards, Committees, Commissions”, Division 2, entitled “Planning Board”, Section 90-55, entitled “Functions and Powers”; Chapter 108, entitled “Planning and Development”, Article II, entitled “Development plan”, Division 2, entitled “Development Review Committee”, Section 108-61 entitled “Established and membership.” and Section 108-63, entitled “Powers and duties.”; and Chapter 118, entitled "Subdivisions”, Article III, entitled “Plats and plans”, Division 2 entitled “Lot split and minor subdivision procedures”, Section 118-169, entitled “Lot splits.”; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions, Providing for an effective date. | Withdrawn | |
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| 1 | 18 | Amending Chapter 6 Street Performers and Street Artist Ordinance | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Amusements and Entertainment", Article I-"Street Performers and Street Artists" by amending Section 6-2 to deny the application of an applicant that has been convicted of a felony against person or property within 10 years preceding the date of application; by amending Chapter 6 Article III entitled "Entertainment and Animal-Driven Vehicles; Entertainment Equipment" by amending Section 6-117 to adjust penalties; by amending Section-146 to adjust penalties; by amending Section 6-152 to adjust penalties; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Passed to Second Reading | Pass |
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| 2 | 19 | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 86 of the Land Development Regulations, entitled “General Provisions”, Section 86-9 entitled, “Definition of terms.”; and Chapter 122 of the Land Development Regulations, entitled “Zoning”, Article II entitled “Nonconformities”, Section 122-30 entitled, “Abandonment of nonconforming use”; to provide for an amended definition of the term “Abandon”; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | 20 | | Reports | Department Reports | | |
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