Min 19-454
| 1 | 1 | | Minutes | June 20, 2019 | Approved | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 2 | FLUM amendment for 318-324 Petronica Street (802-806 Whitehead Street), 809 & 811 Terry Lane | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the City's Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 1, entitled "Future Land Use Element", to amend the Future Land Use Map boundaries of the Historic Residential (HR) and Historic Commercial (HC) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for the repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Postponed | |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | 3 | Official Zoning Map Amendment - 318-324 Petronia Street | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending the boundaries of the Official Zoning Map, amending boundaries of the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) and Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-3) Zoning Districts for the parcel identified by RE# 00014010-000000, including addresses of 318 and 320 Petronia Street, and 802, 804 and 806 Whitehead Street, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for concurrent and conditional adoption upon adoption of Comprehensive Plan amendments; Providing for an effective date. | Postponed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 4 | Variance for 1112 Varela Street - HMDR | Action Items | Variance - 1112 Varela Street (RE # 00032930-000000) - A request for a variances to minimum open space and maximum impervious surface ratio requirement in order to remove the existing wood deck and replace with stone pavers on a property located within the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) zoning district pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. | Postponed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5 | Variance for 1326 Grinnell Street | Action Items | Variance - 1326 Grinnell Street (RE # 00039600-000000) - A request for variances to the minimum rear yard setback and maximum building coverage requirements in order to construct an addition onto the principal structure and remove the existing brick patio pavers and one low wood decking on a property located within the Historic Medium Density Residential (HMDR) zoning district pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. | Postponed | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 6 | Variance - 1403 Washington Street | Action Items | Variance - 1403 Washington Street (RE # 00041560-000000) - A request for a variance to the minimum side yard setback requirement in order to replace two (2) existing central A/C condensers with two (2) new central A/C condensers within the side yard setback at property located within the Single-Family (SF) zoning district pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | 7 | Variance - 1301 First Street | Action Items | Variances - 1301 First Street (RE # 00049440-000000) - A request for variances to the minimum front and rear yard setback requirements in order to replace a flat roof with a new roof with a 4/12 slope on an existing structure within the front and rear yard setbacks at property located within the Single-Family (SF) zoning district pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | 8 | Major Dev. Plan, CU and LMW - 3824 AND 3840 n. Roosevelt Blvd. | Resolution | Quasi-Judicial Hearing
Major Development Plan and Conditional Use - 3824 & 3840 North Roosevelt Boulevard (RE# 00065550-000000 and RE# 00064950-000000) - A Major Development Plan and Conditional Use application to develop a hotel amenity to include a pool, a FlowRider® Double and associated mechanical equipment, six cabanas, restrooms, storage space, two Airstream® trailers, and two food trucks at properties located within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 9 | Text Amendment to Comp Plan - Table | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, Amending the City's Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 1, entitled "Future Land Use Element"; Table 1-1.1.5, and Policy 1-1.3.2, entitled “Designate Various Types of Mixed Use Commercial Nodes to Accommodate Diverse Commercial Uses”, pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 3; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for inclusion into the City of Key West Comprehensive Plan; Providing for an effective date. | Passed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 10 | Text Amendment to LDR - Chapter 122 | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, Amending Chapter 122 of the Land Development Regulations, entitled “Zoning”, Article IV, entitled "Districts", Division 4, entitled "Commercial Districts”; Subdivision III, entitled "General Commercial District (CG)", Section 122-417, entitled, "Uses Permitted”; and Section 122-418 entitled "Conditional Uses" and 122-420, entitled "Dimensional Requirements" and Article V, entitled "Supplementary Districts Regulations", Division 2 entitled "Uses"; and Section 122-1111, entitled "Table of Land Use Districts"; Pursuant to Chapter 90, Article VI, Division 2; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date. | Passed | Pass |
Action details