Meeting Name: Planning Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/15/2024 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
Min 24-1328 11 MinutesJanuary 18, 2024 (Regular)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
Min 24-1332 12 MinutesJanuary 24, 2024 (Workshop)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
24-5446 13 Resolution*Authorizing the initiation of an Annexation Study in accordance with Comprehensive Plan Policy.PassedPass Action details Video Video
24-5322 14 OrdinanceText Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, to amend Chapter 86 of the Land Development Regulations entitled “General Provisions”, Section 86-9 entitled “Definition of Terms” in order to amend the definition of the terms “Accessory Structure”, “Building Coverage”, “Open Space (green area)”, and “Principal Structure”; To rename and amend Chapter 122 entitled “Zoning”, Article V entitled “Supplementary District Regulations”, Division 4 entitled “Accessory Uses and Structures” to be titled “Accessory Uses, Accessory Structures, and Other Structures”, Section 122-1181 entitled “Permitted and Restricted Uses” to maintain the required 5’ setback for decking 30” or greater in height; And to add Section 122-1187 entitled “Covered Patios, Gazebos, and Other Roofed Structures” to maintain rear and side yard setback requirements for the construction of non-principal roofed structures; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.Postponed  Action details Not available
24-5444 15 Planning ResolutionWithdrawn By Staff: Variance - 1328 Duncan Street (RE# 00035410-000000) - A request for variances to the minimum required rear setback, side setback, and pool setback requirements in order to build a pool at a property located in the Historic Medium Density Residential zoning district, pursuant to Sections 90-395, 122-600(6), and 122-1185 of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Key West, Florida.Withdrawn  Action details Not available
24-5445 16 Planning ResolutionVariance - 801 Eaton Street (RE# 00003340-000000) - A request for a variance to minimum parking requirements to allow for the expansion of a food service establishment on property located within the Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-2) Zoning District pursuant to Sections 90-395, 108-572, and 108-575 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida.Postponed  Action details Not available
23-5283 27 Planning ResolutionConditional Use Revision- 801 Eaton Street (RE# 00003340-000000) - A request for a revision to a conditional use approval to allow for the expansion of a food service establishment and an amendment to the Planning Board Resolution Number 2015-33 to increase the number of seats and consumption area, located in the Historic Neighborhood Commercial (HNC-2) Zoning District pursuant to Sections 122-61, 122-62, 122-63 and 122-838 of the Land Development Regulations of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Key West, Florida.Postponed  Action details Not available
23-5139 38 Action Items3228 Flagler Avenue/TP2024-0003/Land 10031, LLC-Land 4027, LLC-Land 113, LLC-Land 1071, LLC-Land 2808, LLC-Land 8351, LLC-Land 8601, LLC-Land 7009, LLC-Land 2421, LLC-Uphoff Investments, LLC-Steven M Uphoff Represented by: Keith Oropeza, Landscape Architect and Trepanier & Associates-Owen Trepanier and Thomas Francis-Siburg Requesting approval of final landscape plan.Postponed  Action details Not available
24-5399 19 OrdinanceText Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - An Ordinance of the City of Key West Commission invoking the Zoning in Progress Doctrine; Declaring that the City is considering amendments to the Land Development Regulations to adopt inclusionary affordable and workforce housing standards for commercial properties along with additional measures to promote housing opportunities for local workers and those in need of affordable and workforce housing opportunities; Directing building and planning department staff to defer the acceptance and processing applications associated with the Limited Commercial (CL) and/or General Commercial (CG) districts which involve Major Development projects whose construction costs meet or exceed $1,500,000.00 in value as determined by the Chief Building Official with an exception for structures that have been destroyed by catastrophic natural disasters including, but not limited to, hurricanes and/or fire; Continuing this policy until new permit requirements and/or amended Land Development Regulations and Comprehensive Plan Policies are adopted by thePostponedPass Action details Video Video
24-5450 110 Planning ResolutionWithdrawn by Staff - Text amendment of the Land Development Regulations - A Resolution of the City of Key West Planning Board recommending an amendment of the Land Development Regulations, entitled Chapter 90 - Administration, Division 3 - Variances, Section 90-395, entitled Standards, Findings to amend the criteria for evaluating variance applications; providing for severability; providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; providing for an effective date.Postponed  Action details Not available
24-5451 111 Planning ResolutionWithdrawn by Staff: Text amendment of the Land Development Regulations - A Resolution of the City of Key West Planning Board recommending an amendment of the Land Development Regulations, entitled Chapter 86 - General Provisions, Section 86-9 - Definition of terms, Chapter 122 - Zoning, Article IV - Districts, Division 4 - Commercial Districts, Subdivision II - Limited Commercial (CL) District, Subdivision III - General Commercial (CG) District, Division 7 - Historic Residential Commercial Core (HRCC-1 to 3) Districts, Subdivision II - HRCC-1 (Duval Street Gulfside District), Subdivision IV - Historic Residential Commercial Core - 3 (Duval Street Oceanside District) to allow for the definition of “personal service establishments” and the inclusion of tattoo parlors as permitted uses within the CL, CG, HRCC-1, and HRCC-3 Districts; providing for severability; providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; providing for an effective date.Postponed  Action details Not available