File #: 24-6500    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/2/2024 In control: City Commission
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Text Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled “Administration” by amending Section 90-487 to allow for the establishment of the Zoning in Progress Doctrine by resolution of a supermajority of the City Commission and including certain notice procedures; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.
Sponsors: Brian L. Barroso
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Cover Memo, 3. PB Res 2025-005 ZIP, 4. Staff Report, 5. Last Stand Comments, 6. Public Comment - Protect our Residential Neighborhood


Text Amendment of the Land Development Regulations - An Ordinance of the City of Key West, Florida, amending Chapter 90 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled “Administration” by amending Section 90-487 to allow for the establishment of the Zoning in Progress Doctrine by resolution of a supermajority of the City Commission and including certain notice procedures; Providing for severability; Providing for repeal of inconsistent provisions; Providing for an effective date.